Kulit manggis jemur untuk keringkan dan jadikan serbuk. Masuk dalam capsule. Ambil setiap hari. KHASIAT KULIT MANGGIS – JANGAN ABAIKAN (Benefits of Mangoesteen Skin )
1. Anti-fatigue (energy booster/memberi tenaga)
2. Powerful anti-inflammatory (prevents inflammation)
3. Analgesic (prevents pain/mencegah sakit urat saraf)
4. Anti-ulcer (stomach, mouth and bowel ulcers)
5. Anti-depressant (low to moderate/mencegah kemurungan)
6. Anxyolytic (anti-anxiety effect/mencegah kegelisahan/panik/cemas)
7. Anti-Alzheimerian (helps prevent dementia)
8. Anti-tumor and cancer prevention (multiple categories cited)… shown to be capable of killing cancer cells/Mencegah kanser.
9. Immunomodulator (multiple categories cited) – helps the immune system
10. Anti-aging(Anti penuaan)
11. Anti-oxidant(Buang toxic dalam badan)
12. Anti-viral (membunuh kuman)
13. Anti-biotic (modulates bacterial infections)
14. Anti-fungal (prevents fungal infections/menggelakkan kulat)
15. Anti-seborrheaic (prevents skin disorders/mencantikkan kulit)
16. Anti-lipidemic (blood fat lowering, LDL/membuang kolesterol )
17. Anti-atherosclerotic (prevents hardening of arteries)
18. Cardioprotective (protects the heart/untuk jantung)
19. Hypotensive (blood pressure lowering/rendahkan tekanan darah)
20. Hypoglycemic (anti-diabetic effect, helps lower blood sugar/kurangkan gula dalam darah)
21. Anti-obesity (helps with weight loss/kuruskan badan)
22. Anti-arthritic (prevention of arthritis/cegah sakit tulang)
23. Anti-osteoporosis (helps prevent the loss of bone mass)

25. Anti-allergenic (prevents allergic reaction)
26. Anti-calculitic (prevents kidney stones/cegah batu karang)
27. Anti-pyretic (fever lowering/rendahkan suhu badab)
28. Anti-Parkinson
29. Anti-diarrheal
30. Anti-neuralgic (reduces nerve pain/sakit urat saraf)
31. Anti-vertigo (prevents dizziness)
32. Anti-glaucomic (prevents glaucoma/sakit mata)
33. Anti-cataract (prevents cataracts)
34. Pansystemic – has a synergistic effect on the whole body/Mengimbangi seluruh badan.
Mangosteen Facts Mangosteen is a small and very slow-growing tropical evergreen tree. The height of the tree attains 20 to 82 feet. The length of its leaves is up to 10 inches. The width of its flowers is 1 ½ to 2 inches. And maybe male or hermaphrodite is on the same tree. Mangosteen is native to South East Asia and requires a year round, warm, very humid, equatorial climate.
Ingat, semua tanaman di bumi kita ini bermanfaat, contohnya manfaat dari buah manggis diatas.